Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Keeping up with the Courier Journal: University of Louisville Swapping Crawford for Belknap

 This article is about the University of Louisville tearing down historic Crawford Gymnasium to replace it with the ‘new-and-improved’ Belknap Academic Center. There is a video that explains the history of the gym- the 1980 and 1986 National Championship Louisville teams that both practiced here as well as the noon pickup games played in the gym everyday since the 1960s. The article goes on to explain the future plans about the gym’s destruction and the academic center’s construction. Although the article is, for the most part, well written, it does violate a few of the yardsticks and elements; loyalty and verification are not visible in the writing.  There are no sources in the article to allow readers to know that it is 100% factual as well as the journalist shows no sympathy for all being lost for many that are attached to the gymnasium. The article also violates the yardsticks of context (similar to verification) and enterprise. I believe enterprise is not included because there are no conversations or other evidence that shows information is coming anywhere besides what the journalist happens to hear. The journalist isn't being an active reporter in the sense that he/she didn't involve any dialogue between themselves and those involved. I do believe the article does a nice job of centering their writing around the element of watchdog and the yardstick of civic contribution- the University of Louisville is very influential to many people and several care about what the school is perusing.

1 comment:

  1. No sources? John Drees is cited as a source.
    Why do you think this article is not loyal to the people?
    The lack of the context yardstick (# of sources) is probably your strongest critique.
